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Tessa goes global, is registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Zwolle under number 66627664 is responsible for the content of the website

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You cannot derive any rights from the information on this website.

Tessa goes global strives to provide current and correct information, but cannot guarantee that all information included is actually current, correct and complete in all cases.


Tessa goes global therefore accepts no liability in any form whatsoever, for damage or injury as a result of or arising from the use of the information on this website. We recommend that you make any improvements to the recorded data.


Although we do everything we can to prevent abuse, Tessa goes global is not liable for information and/or messages that are forwarded or made public by users of the website.


Tessa goes global only gives the objective to those interested in traveling to Africa. Any typing and printing errors cannot be avoided. Tessa goes global is not liable for and not bound by such errors and mistakes. We reserve the right to change the content.


You cannot derive any rights from the reports that Tessa goes global publishes.


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