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  • Who are these trips for
    These gravel tours are for (gravel) cyclists (M/F) who want to make a unique bike ride. It is a bike ride that goes from point to point, so that you cycle in a different environment every day. So every day different views and every day a different hotel/lodge. This way of traveling makes every day a surprise and you experience a wonderful adventure in an environment that is completely different from Europe. The distances that you cycle per day are fine for the experienced cyclist and are around 80-90 km. All routes are made by Rae, he knows the area well and that's how you get to the most beautiful places.
  • Why should I travel Africa with Gravel
    Gravel Afrika is part of, this is a Dutch travel agency that is affiliated with the VVKR and VZR guarantor. Together with Rae Trew-Browne, an experienced gravel rider and route builder from South Africa, Harold Dijk and Rene de Bruijn, 2 experienced cyclists from the Netherlands and Fietswinkel de Mechanieker from Zwolle, Jouw Africa reis organizes these gravel trips in southern Africa. This combination ensures that the journey has everything it needs to make itself unique. Everything has been thought of and you get an experience that you can rely on for years to come (or it will go on for more flavours). Because the trip is organized from the Netherlands and the routes are made by a local (gravel) cyclist, you get value for money and everything is arranged as it should be. You go cycling, we do the rest.
  • Is there a support car
    Yes, there is a car that follows the group all day long, it transports your luggage, among other things, and if we are not going to have lunch at a location on the way, it will also take lunch with us. If the group were to split, the car would stay behind the last group. If your material is unlucky or if you have run out, there is the possibility to get in.
  • What about accommodation
    The locations have been selected by Gravel Africa and are completely different from each other. This makes it a surprise every day where you will spend the night. If a trip is tailor-made, the accommodations can be fully adapted to the wishes and budget of the customer.
  • Can I bring my own bicycle
    You can of course bring your own bicycle. The bicycle will have to be packed in a sturdy suitcase and will be taken on the plane. When you arrive in Cape Town, your bike will go with you in the taxi to the hotel where we will stay the first and last night. The next day the bike goes with us to the hotel from where we will start the bike ride. The suitcase remains behind so that we do not have to take it with us on the trip and remains so that it can be used again for transport back to the Netherlands.
  • Ik heb zelf geen geschikte fiets. Kan ik er ook een huren?
    Dat kan. Onze gids in Zuid-Afrika heeft de beschikking over huurfietsen. Dat zijn prachtige gravelbikes van het merk Pearl. Deze zijn van aluminium of carbon (al naar gelang je voorkeur) en afgemonteerd met de gravelgroepset Shimano GRX (600/800) en een 1x11 set-up. Kosten van de huur bedragen circa tussen de 40 en 50 euro per dag. Indien gewenst kunnen we je meer gedetailleerdere informatie en foto's toezenden.
  • Can I sleep in a Private Room
    Yes, this is possible if availability allows. Gravel Africa works with small-scale accommodations and not every accommodation has extra rooms available.
  • Is Gravel Africa an official travel company ?
    Yes. Gravel Africa is part of Your Africa trip. Your Africa trip is affiliated with the VVKR, this is an association for travel specialists
  • Can the trip be adjusted?
    Gravel Africa has a number of standard trips that are organized several times a year on fixed dates. In addition, there are plenty of options to plan personal trips. This can, for example, concern trips that you want to do with your cycling friends or company trips, but you can also submit requests after which we look at what is possible together. So in short: short trips, long trips, from bikepacking to 4 star hotels, there is a lot possible. Ask your question and we will give you the answer.
  • Besides cycling, is there still time to view the area?
    Every day after breakfast we get on our bikes. On average we spend about 6 hours a day on the bike (assuming 15 km/h) and regularly stop for a drink or lunch. Along the way you enjoy the surroundings, sometimes we stop at a local attraction such as a brewery or wine farm, but we also arrive back in time at our hotel so that you still have time to do something for yourself.
  • Are there also trips that involve camping (bikepacking)?
    Yes, we would like to do this. Then you have the ultimate experience. Rae is all for organizing a bikepacking trip, and the entire team is made up of campers, so bring it on. If there is sufficient interest, the trip will be organized immediately.
  • Is there a meeting with the group before the trip?
    We organize a group meeting for each trip. An information evening or afternoon at the Mechanieker in Zwolle is included in the trip. We will then discuss the trip in advance and tell you what to expect and what you need to do yourself to be well prepared. We are also planning to go on a gravel tour with the group in the Zwolle area if there is enough interest. We will then go on a day trip through the beautiful Salland and get to know the group before we travel through Africa together.
  • If I bring my own bike, can you give me advice?
    Our collaboration with De Mechanieker also ensures that we can provide you with all the advice you can think of in the field of gravel bikes. Henk can also subject your bike to an inspection and advise you whether your bike is suitable for the tour. So all knowledge is there.
  • Do you have to go on a gravel bike or is an MTB good too?
    A gravel bike is ideally suited for the roads we will be riding. But an MTB is of course also possible. But we do not recommend a full suspension bicycle. These are fairly heavy and less suitable for this type of tour. After all, you are going to make a few altimeters.
  • Can my bike be prepared for transport on the plane?
    Yes you can. You can bring your own transport case in which we pack your bicycle, but it is also possible to rent a bicycle case. These are then rented by us or you can arrange one yourself. Your own bicycle is a precious possession and is dear to you, so we are happy to take care of it.
  • Kom ik ook dieren tegen onderweg op de fiets?
    Op onze Cross Cape gravelreis komen we zeker dieren tegen onderweg. In het Diepwalle Forest zullen we hoogstwaarschijnlijk apen (baboons) tegenkomen. In de Kleine Karoo spotten we struivogels (ostriches) als we tussen de uitgestrekte struisvogelboerderijen fietsen. Met een beetje geluk spotten we zelfs giraffen en zebra's in private parken waar we doorheen komen. Daarnaast zijn in de provincie West-Kaap prachtige vogels te spotten, waaronder de nationale vogel van het land: Stanleys Kraanvogel. Goed te weten is dat het erg veilig is. We kunnen met volle teugen genieten van al het widlife.
  • Is South Africa safe for cycling?
    Yes, this is not a problem. We travel with a local guide who knows the area like the back of his hand and of course speaks the language well.
  • Are the flight tickets included
    No, the flight tickets are not included in the travel sum. The prices of the airline tickets are currently not stable and are also very dependent on the season in which you travel. However, Gravel Africa will organize the flight tickets for the entire group. This allows us to keep prices competitive, but what is also important is that we travel together and arrive together. This prevents a lot of ambiguities and is much easier for everyone and it is well organized. Tessa's years of experience in flying to Africa prevent you from a lot of unnecessary stress.
  • Kan ik ook deelnemen met een e-bike?
    Dat kan. Er zijn hele goede gravelbikes met trapondersteuning. Vooral bij de beklimmingen kan dat erg prettig zijn. Hou er wel rekening mee dat je de accu onderweg niet altijd overal op kunt laden. Zorg dus dat je daarin goed doseert. Je kunt je eigen e-gravelbike meenemen in het vliegtuig (eenvoudig bij te boeken via KLM), of ter plaatse een fiets huren. Wij kunnen daar bij adviseren en assisteren.
  • Heb ik vaccinaties nodig?
    Het gebied waar we fietsen is de provincie West-Kaap, globaal gezien tussen Kaapstad en Plettenbergbaai. DTP-vaccinatie en Hepatitis A worden aangeraden. Het beste is om voorafgaand aan je reis even contact op te nemen met de lokale GGD. Zij kunnen je van het actuele advies voorzien. Zo zou je Rabies, Gele Koorts en Hepatitis B kunnen overwegen, al is dat zeker niet noodzakelijk.
  • Kan ik mijn reis verlengen?
    Ja, dat kan zeker en gebeurt regelmatig! Als je toch in Zuid-Afrika bent, is het heel leuk om je reis bijvoorbeeld te verlengen met een aantal dagen in Kaapstad of een safari in een wildpark. We geven je graag uitleg over de mogelijkheden!
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